Sunday, March 11, 2012


from Lumpen, Version, Public Media Institute photo arch

Recently I've tried my hand at speed dating where either I regurgitate the previous conversation ("Hi my name is Con, I'm an engineer, I'm from Chicago... yes the city,") or I stop caring ("Do women have librarian crushes too? Do you ever want to get that shy guy out of his element and just turn him out?") On the few times I went on real dates with them, the concept of dancing comes up and we exchange where and what we like to dance too. I mentioned Lipgloss in Denver and how I found Darkwave Disco at Sonotheque, but then it closed a few years ago? "So what's your new Sonotheque?" And I didn't have an answer. Sure Beauty Bar replaced it in physical location, but it never got its appropriate sequel anywhere

This question plagued me for some months when I was still in the grieving period ("That's too bad about Sonotheque, eh, Conrad?" *epic sigh*) until I convinced myself that there wasn't such a thing as a sequel. At the time I looked up what the folks running it were doing but I never followed up on any of the leads. Yesterday I decided to give the guy who curated the musical end of it, Joe Bryl, a googlin':

- Runs 2nd and 4th Fridays at Maria's (960 W. 31st St)
- Musical director of the Charleston (2076 N. Hoyne Ave)
- Runs Wed nights at The Shrine (2109 S. Wabash Ave)
- Runs Thurs nights at Highball Lounge (738 N. Clark St.)

(I remember Joe was showing afternoon movies (Cinematheque Sonotheque) for a while before it closed: "We're creating a space where you can come by, have a drink, sit and relax while watching something you might not have seen before. Feel free to get up anytime, have another drink, go to the bathroom, go outside to talk on your phone, have another drink, relax a little, have another drink..")

Perfect. Brazilliance is back, Synthetiq is for New Wave, and I have new places to go.