Saturday, April 4, 2009

I've been looking in all the wrong places

As a treat for doing the dishes this morning, I was thanked by the computer. Let's back up.

A couple of months ago I saw Collette at Smartbar. She was on fire. And while I was dancing, she started to play this one song which I figured was 'As I Run' because that's the chorus. "This sounds different. Why does this sound so good?" I look over at the DJ table to give her a yeah! face and figured it out. It's because she was singing it live. She just threw gasoline on herself.

Seeing as I was never really into her, I aligned my internet abilities to the myspace/hypem/elbo/google/facebook search. Nothing. Trip to gramophone? Nothing. Nothing. Nothing could be found. Until....

Today. This song got queued on the computer.

The Juan Maclean - Happy House

Checking out the label text, it's Nancy Whang. Huh? Doppelganger? And who is Nancy Whang? Looking her up, wow I've been missing out. Everything she's been in on everything that I love. She has the quintessential vocal timbre for my feet. I can do a volume 1-2-3 post set just on her. Maybe I'll post it post this post.


P.S. Adrian doesn't work Chemical Overtime because they don't pay. Now there's a band name.

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