Saturday, October 11, 2008

Phoenix or Redemption

History by Robotnick

Simply fantastic. I posted this mix before, but I'll do it again here as a reminder of how great it is. Before Alexander Robotnick went on last night at Sono, I didn't really know the songs that were being played, nor did I really dig them. Then he came on. Night. and. day. He killed it with Fun Fun, but when I opened up my eyes, the only person dancing was me. I felt like I was at home playing a set, but with ridiculously loud speakers and more people. So much fun.

By the way, this is a song I heard last night and is on my list of stuff to find that I kind of found, but apparently this is the original version and there is a newer edit except I don't know who it's by or where to get it. To all 2 people who read this blog, if you know what I'm talking about, let me know!

Gino Soccio - I Will Remember (Original)

I discovered this song from "Erol Alkan Live On Radio 1, September 2006" in iTunes for podcasts. (how do you do an iTunes html link?) It should be the 2nd to last track, with the last track being Erol's remix of 'I Don't Feel Like Dancing'. Right now the bearing for the tone arm on my MKII is being lame. Otherwise I'd do the LP rip. Maybe I should hook up the spare...?

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