Monday, March 2, 2009

Videopop Mirror

So I basically just bamboozled a bunch of Italo off of Videopop. It's fantastic. I'm not feeling very inventive, but I am feeling dancy (how is that different from any other time?) One of these days I'm going to DJ an Italo party and Beth is going to have the biggest, baddest hair of them all. Damn! MMM mmm! Money. MMM mmm!

Angie Gold - Don't Talk to Strangers

Katy Gray - Hold Me Tight

Al Corley - Cold Dresses

Al Corley - Square Rooms

This guy's voice sounds like the typical 80's Depeche Mode style that I love. I think this stuff is turning more into pop than the Italo stuff that I know. Obviously I'm ok with that.

And how about that, more fag jams. Did I tell you that a guy kissed me (on the cheek) at Smartbar? Why! Unlike Greg, I don't think that I'm 80% board 30% boardwalk crosser. Just because I wear 80's Calvin Klein attire shouldn't make me a target for the boys in the hood.

Ok, so while listening to Futurecop right now I can't help but be reminded of this prior video. It's excellent.

Futurecop! - Eyes Like The Ocean

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