Saturday, June 6, 2009

Make a new album already

Gawd, I never though I wouldn't ever want to hear that song again and just had been tactfully avoiding it, but I heard 'Kids' last night at the Hungry Brain. After about 15sec I noticed a small rush to the jukebox to try and figure out where the button was or at least dump some dollars in and make a wish for it to end.

Oh hey MGMT, what's up!? Didn't see you there. Yes I saw the video you just made of your #1 smash hit. (inspiration). I have to say that babies actually crying because they can't act isn't really my bowl of pudding, but your ending animation was excellence.

This doesn't really fly 100% with the MGMT thing, but here is probably the first coherent blog post I've read on HRO that didn't use alt-bro-2k10 language to excess. And speaking of meme's,

The original:
The mp3: Play him off, keyboard cat.

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