Monday, June 1, 2009


Ok, so I knew about Flosstradamus playing at the Burlington way back when and I either didn't go there because:

a) I was doing something I thought was better
b) The last Flosstradamus set I saw at Sonotheque I wasn't impressed with
c) I said 'Eh, fuck it'

Well hearing from this guy about the sexy results that ensued sent me in a rage of disappointment for about 5sec... apparently DIPLO showed up and started to PLAY A SET that night. FML.

Ok, enough dwelling on the past, let's reminisce instead. How about a choose your own adventure? Would you rather:

a) Take Charge at 16Hz

b) Conquer the Wind


c) Shoot and Drive Away via Giorgio Moroder

P.S. Remember, a Stamos boner, is not an awkward boner.

P.P.S Thanks TNUC.

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