Saturday, June 7, 2008


So after a morning of air conditioning installing and mario kart playing and roommate's girl upsetting resulting in High Fidelity watching, it's 4pm. I've been trying to wrestle with the concept of changing attitude. It is probably common knowledge that your given attitude and general feeling results in what you say and what you do since we're more emotional than rational whatever we may think (or feel, ha). One of my new goals in life is to figure out how to control emotion. When people say that, in general they are meaning to suppress it and think in a logical manner. The way I want to control it is that at any given moment, I want to be able to propel myself into the mood I desire. I guess first off you need to figure out what causes your mind to be put in the emotional state that it's in at any given time. For example, this morning the sun was shining and as I got out of bed I saw all this shit all around my apartment and it was hot. I drove my madame to work and listened to Click and Clack on NPR and then (again) dancy music.

Black Ghosts - Let's Get Physical to be specific (again).

All of a sudden, I didn't want to clean anymore but rather I just wanted to look for new music since, shit, I've been listening to that song for at least 6 months. Well, I downloaded a couple of songs through and after trotting through myspace. Nothing worth re-posting here though. Then I came upon the fact that Acid Girls is coming into town (according to their myspace) a la Trash Menagerie and I couldn't find anything regarding that on the blog. Well, I started to wonder why not? Why can't I know? Why don't I know anyone that, at minimum, would be decently qualified that I can ask? Looking back on that, that was rather silly, but that's not the point I'm trying to make. I don't know yet what the solution is, seeing as I have been just thinking about this for a week and other people probably do psychiatric dissertations on the subject, but I do know that on mushrooms that I could control my feelings very well; running around with your arms outstretched pretending to be an airplane, then with news of the cops, instantly becoming sober for the time being, but out of breath. Just think what you could achieve if you actually could control it!

Time for ribs.

P.S. I just got the invite (5sec ago) for the Trash party. Life is funny. Let's Dance!

Utah Saints - Something Good (Van She Mix)

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